What lessons can we learn to advance transportation safety research and practice with COVID-19? Join Mena Lockwood (VDOT), Brian Mayhew (MTC), and Fraser Shilling (UC Davis) Tuesday June 2, 2020 for a look at:
- North Carolina Department of Transportation’s analysis of changes in traffic conditions following NC’s stay-at-home order (Daniel Carter, NCDOT).
- Virginia Department of Transportation’s analysis of traffic and safety conditions during COVID-19 orders (Mena Lockwood and Sanhita Lahiri, VDOT).
- Changes in traffic conditions and crashes in California during regional and statewide stay-at-home orders (Fraser Shilling, University of California, Davis).
There is no charge to attend; register here to join this important webinar: https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/06-02-2020/trb-webinar-traffic-trends-and-safety-in-a-covid-19-world__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!9UQKlzR67r0Ofo4MCFJQSAFRmwvdPaYQHRbP-qvTIscWIGwOjEuXAPilnfzGnojqeUl6$