Perhaps no career field in the United States is undergoing as critical a shift as our transportation industry. Through a combination of technological advances, aging, and demand for growth, careers in transportation are expected to add over 417,000 net jobs from 2012 to 2022. The growth in demand is not limited to any region, as nearly every single state in the country will experience growth in this field. Here you can view labor market analysis, learn about education and training programs and workforce development resources, and read experts’ answers to questions on the transportation industry.
Labor Market Analysis
The NNTW regularly performs a labor market analysis to identify workforce and training needs for various transportation sectors.
Education and Training Programs
Find recently added education and training programs for the transportation workforce or search our entire archive of programs based on multiple keyword criteria.
Workforce Development Resources
Find recently added resources that support transportation workforce development programs and initiatives or search our entire archive to access a broad range of resources.
The Clean Transportation Workforce
As more states invest in clean energy and transportation, tens of thousands of new jobs in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); public transit; and construction will be created.
Digital Storytelling: The Value of StoryMaps
With StoryMaps, users can now share remarkable and visually rich stories through the use of custom maps that both inform and inspire. NNTW partner and global GIS leader Esri developed ArcGIS StoryMaps to help make the process of digital storytelling powerful, creative, and user-friendly.
Environmental Career Competencies
FHWA’s Environmental Competency Building (ECB) Program provides a central source of information for transportation and environmental professionals to develop competency in the environmental disciplines required for their work.
Ask The Experts
Grow your knowledge of the transportation sector by having your questions answered by the Southwest Transportation Workforce Center’s (SWTWC) volunteer team of industry professionals. All submitted Q&A are archived on the SWTWC site for easy future search and retrieval.
2012 National Transportation Workforce Summit: Pathways to the Future
This important Summit, held in April 2012, brought together many conversations that have created a rich tapestry of transportation workforce development efforts across the nation and wove those efforts into a cohesive strategic framework. The Summit sought to generate broad ownership in a framework to link workforce needs to workforce development policies and programs.